
Unlocking Universal Mysteries

Please be patient while this site is under further construction. Meanwhile, see GS's profile and the content information below.

The purpose is to inform, illuminate, and inspire further research.

Content Focus

This site will provide unique solutions or high probability answers to carefully researched subjects such as:

  • Time, Distance & The Universe - The Universal Holy Grail?
  • Black Holes - What are they and how do they form?
  • Where is Atlantis?
  • The Pyramids Puzzle - A mathematical code of the universe?
  • Crop Circles - Why are they important and what do they say?
  • Time Dimensions & Zero Point Energy - What is this?
  • Time Travel - Is this possible?
  • What is a UAP? - Where do they come from? Why are they here?
  • Buried Treasures - Where is treasure?
  • Many other questions

QuestionA UAP has been recorded traveling at more than 26,000 MPH. How do the pilots of these crafts withstand the extraordinary G-Forces present?

AnswerUAP's have a antigravity device which allows for super speeds while canceling the G-Forces (gravitational force equivalent) for the occupants of these crafts.

Questions, comments or suggestions are always welcome!