Buried Treasures

Oak Island Mystery Introduction
Bottom Line 2024: 


Where is the treasure after more than 10 years of looking for it?

It's an archaeology site only and nothing of significance will be found there except trinkets and tidbits of Oak Island visitors when they periodically visited over time.

Why? It was a periodic safe deposit box and any "buried treasure(s)" have long since been  discovered, retrieved or moved elsewhere. 


My analysis and correspondence with the Laginas in 2017 & 2019 is below. Most recent submission/correspondence was in February 2021. Reference to my specific ideas and logic may occur during any season. 

Oak Island Treasure video trailers are here.
The Top 21 Theories About Oak Island here
Revealed: The Secret of Oak Island here

The Oak Island Treasure - Questions of Logic 

The Oak Island treasure is one of the great unsolved mysteries of our time.

A few days ago, we provided a link to an overall summary here and a chronology here. This mystery is also presented as a series on the History Channel.

For more than 30 years, I have been interested in the Oak Island treasure. My "theory" in finally solving this mystery is based primarily on strict logic and human nature but without a whole lot of supporting historical evidence. 

It's probably no more valid than all the other theories and speculations. However, there are several points of logic worth considering.

To that end, this presentation was sent to the current treasure hunters, Rick and Marty Lagina, for comment. It offers several points of logic and focus that may assist them toward a more definitive answer. 

Questions of Logic 

In the search for this treasure, my central points are simply these:

- Would it not make sense (with such intricate detail and construction of the Oak Island vault and protective tunnels), for the originators to have had a plan and easy means developed to retrieve their treasure in the future? This would occur when the time was right and without the danger of flooding and cave-ins.

- Think of it as bank with only one safety deposit box and only one key. Would it not be prudent for treasure hunters to reverse the treasure hunting process in favor of a plan for finding how they planned to return to retrieve it? In theoretical logic, this would lead one directly to the treasure vault for the remaining clues on its historical origin and purpose in a more expeditious manner.

- This was clearly not meant to be a treasure cemetery but a temporary vault. Clearly, the planners for this project had a longer time horizon as opposed to pirates who had a mindset of “in an out.” These elements point to wealthy individuals or a secret organization as the source of this plan and the ownership of its contents.

- The contents of the vault had to be of immense value (at the time) for such detailed construction to be considered.

- To consider such a remote place at the time for a place of hiding speaks volumes as to its value and importance.

- The elaborate vault system was designed for safety, to allow long term protection and without a need for any guards to be continuously present.

- The circular depression found by Daniel McGinnis in 1795 with a nearby tree branch having a tackle block is, in my view, a diversionary exercise meant to confuse and keep occupied any potential treasure hunters. The "treasure" was likely buried elsewhere on the island or in Nova Scotia.  

- Many workers would have been needed to build the vault and the ingenious flooding tunnels. This project would have taken a many months to build. Logic suggests there would be records that support this history by workers unless they were all killed and buried after completion of construction.

- Before or after the project was completed, would not the workers have attempted to send letters to family members on the details of their employment by way of supply ships, if no censorship were present?

- If the workers were prisoners, for example, would they have perhaps buried stashes of information or clues about the project on the island for vindication and revenge?


One can safely conclude there had to be a method and means developed to return for the treasure. If this is correct, then it’s likely they (or their heirs in future generations) had complete instructions for its removal. Logic would also suggest that such a treasure value requiring intricate planning and construction was not meant to be forgotten. As a result, they likely returned and extracted the “treasure” a long time ago.

This island was probably more like a temporary bank safety deposit box with a limited life.

If this logic is true, digging for it is a fruitless exercise. As a result, they are digging in the wrong area, for the wrong reasons and ultimately, for the wrong result.

Instead, one should be looking for historical clues on the hidden plan for retrieval of the treasure. If this reverse investigative process were successful, it would lead directly to the (empty?) vault for any remaining clues as to its origin and true purpose.

This presentation’s only purpose is to help and assist. I sincerely hope I am dead wrong and that significant monetary expense over many years has not been spent in vain.

Trader Garrett
12/5/14 (Updated Feb 2021)

Additional clues may be found in:

1) Shipping, repair and cargo records for the period in question.
2) Samuel Ball, the former cabbage farmer, who became rich. Check his genealogical record, wills/legal documents and correspondence, if recorded and found.
3) Area residents correspondence for the period in question that may shed light on the events in terms of what they witnessed.
4) Detailed analysis of Henry Sinclair's travels, residences and his possible connection to the Knights Templar.

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